Saturday, October 8, 2016

Banjo Kazooie has a wallpaper! So you can hit this link!

Welcome to another blog, So you can show Banjo a Wallaper! Now it has been relerated to other users like GolemChiz!
Note: Banjo Kazooie was born on March 25th 1991!

SuperSunnyboy36 is back! So you can show it!

Welcome back for YouTubers! This is a new-clean channel called SuperSunnyboy36! Because you can make most of contents!

Subscribe to this channel! Very popular version of that...

Don't forget to use it! So you can hit more videos on a week or on a day!
later, LibrarianMC.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

420 Diamonds allowed! He wants that!

In GolemChiz, There are 440 diamonds there are begin a process... Well That is a diamonds we have?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016

Lived in GolemChiz, Secne of Paper Minecraft Movie and NPC Terrence's Ha...

As of nowadays, GolemChiz was lived inside of Paper Minecraft Movie, and, NPC Terrence has a special hangout for you, because, I am lived inside of Villager Bob Introduction and My Channel!

But now, I am lived with NPC Terrence, Emerald Henry, Bob the Villager, GolemChiz, Terry Villager, Steve Spark and Team Craft....

Minecraft is presented on YouTube with full permission. Mojang, the company which owns the rights to Minecraft, has authorized registered users such as me to use their game in video's. From the "Terms of Service" on the games official website,, it states "You're free to do whatever you want with screenshots and videos of the game...".

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Introduction to Villager Bob

The Villager Bob was introudced in 2014, Some things are Bob for attraction!
I created this intro from some users as now!!!!!

Costs 52 emeralds

  • *15* Emeralds
  • *20* Emeralds
  • *30* Emeralds
  • *40* Emeralds
  • *52* Emeralds

Wednesday, February 10, 2016